SOA Reasoning and Thought leadership
This article
aims to align some of the latest thought around thinking around the reasoning
behind SOA from a business case perspective and tries to table some of the
viewpoints that need consideration.
The fundamental
goal of Web Services and SOA is to improve ROI and TCO over traditionally
implemented accidental architecture through point to point interfaces. However,
the use of Web Services doesn't guarantee results. There are a number of
challenges, many of which are organizational and not strictly technical, that
needs to be addressed proactively to achieve measurable benefit.
Narrowing down the set of acceptable ways to use standards from all the available options needs to be checked with policies and procedures. Of course, many of these policies and procedures will naturally need to change over time as regulatory or other compliance requirements change, so when thinking about TCO we need to factor in the inevitable cost of change.
A second challenge is determining who pays for a service shared by many applications. With traditional line of business applications, figuring out who pays is easy - since one team owns everything. For a shared service, ideally each line of business should pay proportional to their use. Those who use it most should pay the most. Essentially this is a transfer-pricing model. It is important to consider how to track usage by each line of business accurately - if you can't measure usage, you can't charge for it!
A third challenge is ensuring that service levels are met. To end users, the customers of the IT infrastructure, the order management application is still the order management application whether it's built as a monolith or it leverages shared services. In either case it must meet the same expectations of performance, availability and functionality. Conversely, if the same user uses two different applications, he may have different expectations of each - even if both applications leverage the same set of shared services.
Let's look at some of the critical success factors (CSFs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) that organizations need to look at when adopting SOA (see diagram below)
While the core Web Services standards successfully address the mechanics of letting applications to talk to one another, successful SOA implementations through delivery of technologies like Integration Buses mean addressing the challenges that lie beyond the pure mechanics of communication. The complexities are numerous: stakeholders with different agendas, policies with cross-functional implications, service levels that must be maintained at all costs, complex interrelationships between services and no lines painted on the data centre floor to connect any of the dots.
Left to grow on its own, a network of Web Services will quickly degenerate into a tangled spaghetti of brittle, single-use integrations and fail to achieve the economies of scale or the cost and flexibility benefits of SOA.
These challenges call for a new breed of solution - SOA Command and Control - that addresses the various technical, business, and organizational requirements and unites all pertinent knowledge in the SOA into a form that's understandable and actionable.
There are five key imperatives of SOA Command and Control: Align, comply, observe, respond, optimize. These five imperatives encapsulate the required, and the associated value, of SOA Command and Control.
IT is successful only if the business is successful, so IT must always be aligned with the business. SOA Command and Control must allow to measure SOA activity against business objectives to understand its current impact on the business, to determine how it's trending, and to predict where it will go in future.
True SOA Command and Control empowers stakeholders to move from a passive role to an active role of driving policy changes immediately and automatically across the organization. In addition, stakeholders gain visibility as to where and when the policies and procedures are being applied and/or violated.
By definition, SOA Command and Control provides both detailed and at-a-glance visibility into the inner workings of your SOA at any point in time - automatically, without expensive, time-consuming manual configuration. This facility lets us understand SOA-wide patterns and trends that would never be uncovered with solutions that provide simple statistics and only threshold, rule-based or predictive alerting.
Root cause analysis (RCA) is important in an SOA because symptoms rarely appear at the location of the root cause - and the root cause may be a service owned by a different group. With SOA Command and Control allow us to accurately and automatically determine the root cause of problems, without expensive, time-consuming manual configuration of rules or relationships. And, once the root cause is determined, the business process can respond in one of many different ways such as notifying administrators, black-listing users, rolling back service changes, rationing capacity, or modifying documents in transit. These responses can be triggered manually, fully automated or even manually overridden when automated responses don't produce the desired result.
As with any IT infrastructure, services have a finite capacity to process consumer requests. Determining the capacity requirements of services is especially complicated because each consumer has a different pattern to use with different kinds of requests, and different peak usage periods. And, as new consumers come online, they consume capacity from the service and potentially affect the service level of everybody else. SOA Command and Control lets the business both proactively and reactively optimize the allocation of scarce service resources.
With an effective SOA Command and Control infrastructure, policies can not only be defined once, centrally, but also automatically enforced in the fabric of the network itself. The capabilities of an effective SOA Command and Control platform lets organizations bypass the knowledge gap and successfully achieve the economies of scale as well as the critical cost, time and flexibility benefits of SOA.
With effect to this need, typical organizations intend to leverage the power of standards based, metric driven SOA by implementing the ESB product suites for application integration using a phased approach.
Narrowing down the set of acceptable ways to use standards from all the available options needs to be checked with policies and procedures. Of course, many of these policies and procedures will naturally need to change over time as regulatory or other compliance requirements change, so when thinking about TCO we need to factor in the inevitable cost of change.
A second challenge is determining who pays for a service shared by many applications. With traditional line of business applications, figuring out who pays is easy - since one team owns everything. For a shared service, ideally each line of business should pay proportional to their use. Those who use it most should pay the most. Essentially this is a transfer-pricing model. It is important to consider how to track usage by each line of business accurately - if you can't measure usage, you can't charge for it!
A third challenge is ensuring that service levels are met. To end users, the customers of the IT infrastructure, the order management application is still the order management application whether it's built as a monolith or it leverages shared services. In either case it must meet the same expectations of performance, availability and functionality. Conversely, if the same user uses two different applications, he may have different expectations of each - even if both applications leverage the same set of shared services.
Let's look at some of the critical success factors (CSFs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) that organizations need to look at when adopting SOA (see diagram below)
While the core Web Services standards successfully address the mechanics of letting applications to talk to one another, successful SOA implementations through delivery of technologies like Integration Buses mean addressing the challenges that lie beyond the pure mechanics of communication. The complexities are numerous: stakeholders with different agendas, policies with cross-functional implications, service levels that must be maintained at all costs, complex interrelationships between services and no lines painted on the data centre floor to connect any of the dots.
Left to grow on its own, a network of Web Services will quickly degenerate into a tangled spaghetti of brittle, single-use integrations and fail to achieve the economies of scale or the cost and flexibility benefits of SOA.
These challenges call for a new breed of solution - SOA Command and Control - that addresses the various technical, business, and organizational requirements and unites all pertinent knowledge in the SOA into a form that's understandable and actionable.
There are five key imperatives of SOA Command and Control: Align, comply, observe, respond, optimize. These five imperatives encapsulate the required, and the associated value, of SOA Command and Control.
IT is successful only if the business is successful, so IT must always be aligned with the business. SOA Command and Control must allow to measure SOA activity against business objectives to understand its current impact on the business, to determine how it's trending, and to predict where it will go in future.
True SOA Command and Control empowers stakeholders to move from a passive role to an active role of driving policy changes immediately and automatically across the organization. In addition, stakeholders gain visibility as to where and when the policies and procedures are being applied and/or violated.
By definition, SOA Command and Control provides both detailed and at-a-glance visibility into the inner workings of your SOA at any point in time - automatically, without expensive, time-consuming manual configuration. This facility lets us understand SOA-wide patterns and trends that would never be uncovered with solutions that provide simple statistics and only threshold, rule-based or predictive alerting.
Root cause analysis (RCA) is important in an SOA because symptoms rarely appear at the location of the root cause - and the root cause may be a service owned by a different group. With SOA Command and Control allow us to accurately and automatically determine the root cause of problems, without expensive, time-consuming manual configuration of rules or relationships. And, once the root cause is determined, the business process can respond in one of many different ways such as notifying administrators, black-listing users, rolling back service changes, rationing capacity, or modifying documents in transit. These responses can be triggered manually, fully automated or even manually overridden when automated responses don't produce the desired result.
As with any IT infrastructure, services have a finite capacity to process consumer requests. Determining the capacity requirements of services is especially complicated because each consumer has a different pattern to use with different kinds of requests, and different peak usage periods. And, as new consumers come online, they consume capacity from the service and potentially affect the service level of everybody else. SOA Command and Control lets the business both proactively and reactively optimize the allocation of scarce service resources.
With an effective SOA Command and Control infrastructure, policies can not only be defined once, centrally, but also automatically enforced in the fabric of the network itself. The capabilities of an effective SOA Command and Control platform lets organizations bypass the knowledge gap and successfully achieve the economies of scale as well as the critical cost, time and flexibility benefits of SOA.
With effect to this need, typical organizations intend to leverage the power of standards based, metric driven SOA by implementing the ESB product suites for application integration using a phased approach.
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